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Welcome to our burnout test
Feeling exhausted, cynical, and emotionally drained at work? Losing your sense of purpose and accomplishment? You may be experiencing burnout.
for 3€ only
How it works?
Complete all 16 quick
questions in 5 min
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Results & Recommendations
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Over 50,000 people worldwide have already taken the Burnout Test And received personalized recommendations for improving their well-being at work.
Science-based Test
for 3€ only
Compiled on the basis of data from the scientific database and research of the Top University of California Berkeley
We built this instrument for:
Office workers who are feeling emotionally drained and overwhelmed.
Managers looking to improve employee well-being
Individuals looking to make a career change
Receive personalized recommendations for your well-being
Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling work life
for 3€ only
Tilda Publishing
Lumos is a platform powered by XY Partners, with the support of UNDP in partnership with e-Gov Agency and Optim, a project of Swiss Development and Cooperation Agency, implemented by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation.